abrdn Employees - 'Your Path'
abrdn Employees – ‘Your Path’
The Independent Financial Planners at Holistic Financial Leadership (HFL Advisory Services Ltd) (HFL) will provide the following service for leavers of abrdn and its subsidiaries (the Group). Personnel who are retiring from the Group or are at risk of leaving through redundancy are eligible for the services outlined below.
You shall have access to the ‘Your Path’ programme prior to leaving which, if you proceed with this service, will provide independent guidance for you on making important decisions in relation to your individual circumstances, such as replacement of benefits, budgeting, tax efficient options on any severance payment, pension and retirement options as a leaver (to the extent applicable).
‘Your Path’ Service
You will be offered a telephone or face to face appointment (if the HFL adviser feels this is appropriate), for up to 45 minutes which may cover the following areas (depending on your individual requirements):
- Advice on how to use the redundancy package tax efficiently i.e. pension contribution from any severance prior to payment in order to maximise tax relief.
- Retirement options from pension arrangements, both money purchase and defined benefit arrangements, including the Standard Life final salary scheme.
- Discussion on replacing private medical insurance.
- Discussion on replacing death in service and income protection
- Mortgage and liabilities review.
- Share rewards tax planning, and options.
- Short financial forecast to show cashflow and budgets.
- A strategy for existing savings and investments and tax efficient wrappers if required.
Following the initial appointment, we will send a personalised ‘Your Path’ report summarising these areas to you, together with any recommended actions. This will be followed up with a telephone review appointment to help you understand how to action these recommendations.
No initial fees involved for ‘Your Path’ service
The initial appointment described above, and the follow up telephone review appointment, shall be at no cost to you. Following the telephone review appointment, should you require implementation of the advice, this will be chargeable under a separate agreement between you and HFL. Any costs shall be agreed in advance between you and HFL.
Way forward
If you are eligible, you may contact the ‘Your Path’ team at HFL by email or telephone to make an appointment with an adviser, using the contact details provided below.
Face to face meetings with an employee and adviser where required, will be held (to the extent possible) in the abrdn offices across the UK.
This meeting is designed to give you a clearer understanding of your key areas to consider before leaving abrdn. Essentially, this can provide you with the opportunity to make important decisions in a timely manner with independent guidance.
The ‘Your Path’ team is headed up by Brenda Santimano and Patricia Hope.
Team contact details for appointments or enquiries:
Telephone: 01763 261366
Email us: IFA-abrdn@hflfinancial.com